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Evo ja bih hteo nesto dapitam.
Kakva je situacija sa nasim folklornim drustvima u LA i okolini tj. Kaliforniji? Ako pistoji kakav sajt nekog naseg KUD/a molio bih Vas da mi posaljete njihov link.
Ja se vec 15 godina bavim folklorom tj.sviram harmoniku i korepetitor sam u KUD/u Svetozar Markovic u Novom Sadu, pa bih hteo da vidim koliko je folklor zastupljen u Americi.
Dragi moji sunarodnjaci...
stranica je zaisa prejaka i sasvim slucajno sam naisao na nju.Zelim cestitati svima koji su se potrudili da je establish.
Naime, ja imam 18 god, i na college sam u mostaru,inace sam iz Nevesinja.
Zivim na hrvatskoj strani Mostara, nikad nisam imao problema nikakvih, ali ova stranica mi je dala ogromni relief. Primljen sam na fakultet Earlham u Richmond,Indiana, i tu dolazim u avgustu.
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Marcy Maloney and I’m from Stoughton, MA. I’m writing to you to ask for direction or help. My husband’s National Guard unit did a tour in Kosovo for 15 months; they met a family with a little girl named Tamara, age 7. She has brain damage from birth because their village had no medical services and club feet. For one soldier, SGT Kevin Powers this hit home because his son was born with club feet also. They were corrected shortly after birth at Shriners Hospital in Boston, MA. He did a lot of work and talked to Shriners Hospital here, who agreed to do the surgery, pro-bono, on her feet in hopes of giving her a better life, as well as follow up care as long as need be. So with that secured SGT Powers made it possible with the help of his fellow soldiers in his platoon to raise enough money to get Tamara’s dad and older sister to come here, visas, plane tickets etc. SGT Powers also renovated his basement so they would have a place to stay. Up until today, the Powers family has pretty much depleted three quarters of their life savings supporting the family. Recently upon another appointment to Shriners, they believe, but are not positive their maybe nothing they can do for her feet. Because she has walked on them for 7 years and fear more damage if they go in and weaken muscle etc. Currently the problem is the family wants to stay and bring the other sister and mom here to live. Because once Kosovo was granted their independence Albanians came into their small village where they had lived and basically pushed people out, so out of fear the mom and sister have left their home. Id love to find a way to get dad a job and be able to contribute to the Powers family long enough to be able to be out on his own then bring the family here. He is a very humble man and only wants the best for his children. Unfortunately the Powers are basically tapped out and can not promise them another year which from my understanding is what they need to stay for to receive their visas or green cards. Kristina who is the older sister, 13, that is here to be the translator for the family has even asked SGT Powers to adopt her so she can go to school here that’s all she wants. For a thirteen yr old girl to ask to just be able to go to school and receive an education is heartbreaking that that’s all she wants. I’m hoping to receive direction, help, donations anything of the kind to help them stay longer to get where they want to be in life. Thank you in advance for listening and helping.
Marcy Maloney
Great site! I have a rep out in LA that sent me the "You Know You're a Serb When..." article. Hilarious and so true!
I will pass this on to our friends/clients in Chicago, NY, and Florida.
Best Of Luck,
Dan Glumac
Pepperface, LLC
Chicago, IL
Love the 'You know you're Serb when...', bloody awesome stuff. I have a 50-Billion Yugoslav Dinara note. Does anyone know if that would be worth anything nowadays? If I could rip somebody off on ebay? Or maybe a collector may want to buy it? I wanna get rich quick so I can go over there and party in LA! Give us an email if you have any information please. Hvala!
HI, Thanks for the wonderful insight on you know your Serb when... I was laughing so much that I am still seeing the humour now. You put into words what we as teenagers use to laugh over at the Sunday dances when I was a teenager.
Now when when are you going to do the dating tips one? Have just got divorced from a Dutch man and am not sure how Serbians date as I feel I am being one man's possession but he aint told me so. Yet no other man is allowed to get near me. Any ideas??Also met him when the priest was present the conversation was very strange.
My neighbor Steve Mileusenic is a 5th grader with leukemia and in need of a bone marrow donor. His parents and siblings are no match and he needs donors from the Serbian community. May is bone marrow month and the DNA swab is free at some locations. E-mail and I can send you Steve's details.
Pozdrav svim Srbima u LA. Niti mi treba posao tamo niti trazim nacin da tamo dodjem ... Doduse turisticki bi bilo lepo da vidim kako vi tamo zivite ... Ipak je meni lepo u ovoj nasoj Srbiji, moze i bolje ali se ne zalim. Svratite malo do srca Sumadije na
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